“All Star Sports Day’’ – the first celebrity reality sport show covering dodgeball
感謝實境運動節目「全明星運動會」 與CTDBF共同合作「美式躲避球」運動項目企劃,透過藝人們不辭辛勞的培訓,在專業的教練指導之下,明星們打出了一場漂亮的好球!
“All Star Sports Day” has invited CTDBF for the cooperation for the dodgeball session in the sport show – thank you for giving us the chance!
Thanks to the tireless training of artists and the guidance of professional coaches, the matches were well played!

每週六 三立都會台 20:00
每週日 台視主頻20:00
每週二 YT、Vidol 12:00
“All Star Sports Day” is jointly produced by SET Taiwan and TTV, and is the first sports competition reality show in Taiwan.
Show Time:
20:00 every Saturday on SET Metro
20:00 every Sunday on TTV Main Channel
12:00 every Tuesday on YT and Vidol TV
Show Time:
20:00 every Saturday on SET Metro
20:00 every Sunday on TTV Main Channel
12:00 every Tuesday on YT and Vidol TV
